Sunday, January 15, 2012

Version 0.7.6 and a Donate Version

It's been a while since my last post on this blog.
Considering I work on this project on my spare time, I'd rather spend time improving the app than writing here.

A few hours ago I have published the 0.7.6 version of the app. Here's the change log:

New features:

  • Chart Display (Donate Version only)
  • Brazilian Portuguese translation


  • Several minor improvements in graphics rendering
  • Update rate calculation is faster and more accurate
  • Displays are rendered with last know value when screen is rotated

This is an important release for me, as it finally includes some Chart displays. They are very simple for now, but that's my goal: simple and clean design.

It's missing a visual time grid, but honestly I kind of like it like this. In this version the last 20 seconds of data are shown on screen. In the future this will be configurable per display.

Some technical info: the chart is updated as data is received, and the X axis (time) is effectively based on the time the data was received. That means that if there is some time variation between responses, the chart will be plotted correctly.

Here's a current screenshot of all available Displays:

Donate Version:

Some of you will be mad at me because the chart is only available on the Donate Version of the app. I'm sorry, but I'm trying to get some financial retribution for my work.

You might not think so, but I've already spent a few hundred hours (of my free time) on this project. It takes a lot of time to study, implement, test and most importantly to make sure everything is as optimized and correct as possible.

If you like me work please consider buying the Donate Version.

As of today the only difference is that the Donate Version is ad-free and includes the Chart Displays.

I'll do my best to add extra features on the Donate Version.

Thanks everyone and fell free to comment below!


  1. Where is the log files stored? I did not find them.

  2. They should be on your SD Card under "/ObdDashboard" folder.

    Example: /sdcard/ObdDashboard.

    Let me know if you have problems with it.

  3. Hello Nicolas, thank you for helping. I found the log files but I am expecing trouble handling the data. The log file appear to be a plain text file, with data separated by a semi-period signal. When I try to import the data to an excel spreadsheet, a column apear between time and latitude, and I don´t know what it is. Maybe it is the telemetry data, but I can´t translate this to something I can understand. Is there another program to import this data to something more palatable? Thanks for helping again.

  4. Olá, vc usa alguma biblioteca especifica para criação dos gauges?

  5. Olá. Não uso nenhuma biblioteca para os gauges. Optei por implementar eu mesmo pois trabalhei bastante com relação ao desempenho ao atualizar os valores.

    Além disto, queria um visual mais simplificado e personalizado.


  6. Its a very good aplication , it could be better (in my humble opinion) if you could set alarm triggers for temperature for example.

  7. Boa tarde, existe algum OBD-II especifico Bluetooth que vc já usou para testar... gostei do programa.. e quero testar ele no meu carro por bluetooth


  8. Recomendo o OBDLink MX pelo tamanho e qualidade, mas é mais caro comparado aos genéricos...

  9. Olá Nicolas, tu já testou em carros da Fiat aqui no Brasil? Ou alguém aqui já testou? Quero saber se funciona o ObdLink-Mx desta dica acima ou se com este aqui da Soliport com o ELM327

    1. Eu utilizo no meu carro um modelo antigo da, o, porém já utilizei o ObdLink-MX e recomendo, pois ele é bem menor fisicamente e está mais atualizado.

      O do link da Amazon aparentemente é um clone genérico (dos mesmos que você deve conseguir achar no Dealextreme). Deve funcionar, mas será mais lento. Há um bug também em alguns genéricos que faz com que meu programa não funcione corretamente caso seu carro possua várias ECUs.

      Eu já sei como resolver o problema, mas vai levar um tempo ainda. Deve entrar na próxima versão daqui a alguns meses.


  10. Bom dia Nicolas...

    Queria saber se seu aplicativo funciona com o Fiat Punto 1.4, ele tem uma conexão KWP (ISO 14230-4 KWP Fast) e não o CAN, a maioria dos aplicativo trabalha com CAN e não funcionaram no meu carro.


  11. Just stopped by to say thank you for a great app (Donate Version). Works perfect on my Honda's Android Head Unit whereas DashCommand and Torque dont. Keep up the good work :)

  12. Olá Nicolas boa noite comprei seu App
    Tem ideia de quando sairá uma versão com suporte a leitura do consumo de combustível?

  13. Olá Nicolas boa noite comprei seu App
    Tem ideia de quando sairá uma versão com suporte a leitura do consumo de combustível?
